Sunday, March 4, 2012


Laughing, hand in hand, entwining, contained, standing swimming through a deep drink creek watching a Venetian masquerade halting to make way for our oblivion, doubt left behind unthinking, inked and pulsing, tracing my jaw line, drawing my dreams, babbling to kissing and breathing deep.... being... we'll be awkward he coughs, together through a grin. Again.

1 comment:

  1. The line, "halting to make way for our oblivion," is haunting. this scene, this snapshot tableau, flashes through my mind and before my eyes so quickly. I think it's because of the way you wrote it with gerunds, commas, and clauses. Also, I think this particular moment itself is one of those fleeting moments in time that just becomes etched in memory and can be replayed. Hence the "again". Thank for sharing this, ms. photographer.
